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32 Weeks!

32 weeks pregnant yesterday y’all!!

I’m feeling great!! Still craving that 🍍!! #pineapplesonfleek

And, flip flopping in emotions. On the one hand, I just cannot wait to meet our little girl!! 😍 On the other, I’m like WHOA!! I’m actually going to be a mom of TWO?! Like TWO littles?! ✌🏼But, I ONLY have TWO hands. 🤣

We’ve got most of #GaliosHouse ready to go... 🏡 because I have this crazy gut feeling that Emery will be a little early (big sister Austyn was almost a week early)!! 💁🏼‍♀️

The nursery is pretty much done (y’all want to see it??) & we’ve got the car seat, the swing, a little bassinet. 💕

You guys, ISH IS GETTING REAL!! 👶🏼

What were some of the things you mommas did to prep in the final months leading up to baby being born?! 🤗

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