Birthday Adventure
Some of my favorite gifts are adventures, not things. Because who wants more 'stuff' when you've already got what you need.
A couple nights ago, Alyssa and I went on our biweekly date night! #Dateyourspouse Leading up to then, all week actually... Alyssa kept asking what we should do & suggested a local spot we'd been to a few times before so that's what I thought we were doing.. but I came downstairs that morning to a card that read; "I've known EXACTLY what we are doing for date night for a while.. hehe. Get ready to have some fun as we celebrate your birthday early! We're going to iFLY (& Sushi)." It also said some gushy stuff that I won't share on here...
But that's exactly what we did! We flew. And it was awesome!!
Thanks babe for the great surprise, I had so much fun with you!