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The Results Are In


For the last six weeks I have been a part of a pilot test group for a brand new program that we will have early access to in January!! I've been SO DANG BUSY during this program but I've stayed on track! Our 7 month old's been teething, our 5 year old started Kindergarten, we were treated to Vegas for a Leadership Retreat, I finished up the final edits on my manuscript & I created a 54 page book proposal (no small feat).... PLUS, Jay and I got involved in launching a brand new campus for a church that we've only ever had the pleasure of following online!! PHEW!! But, despite all the CRAZY, I've stayed COMMITTED. And, I think it shows!!!

I lost: - 3 inches in my waist - 1 inch in my hips - 3 POUNDS (even though I definitely gained muscle)

I gained: - way more CONFIDENCE - a stronger mindset - some serious definition

To be COMPLETELY honest, this program pushed me so much harder than I expected it would. Mentally and physically. I figured 20 minutes a day couldn't do all that much but, BOY, was I wrong. I felt like I got a GREAT workout EVERY SINGLE DAY!!! 💯

There were SO MANY TIMES in my past life where I would go to the gym for HOURS & never see or feel the results. I would waste SO MUCH TIME driving to and from the gym, waiting for the right machines to open up, trying to think of "moves," and then once I got home, the chances of my wanting to cook a healthy meal were zilch. Literally, God lead me to these programs and groups JUST in time too because my auto immune disease was basically taking over my life. Its SO CRAZY to think how far I've come!!

I've stuck with these at home workouts now for TWO and a half YEARS (there are over 500 to choose from in our online "netflix of fitness" with new ones releasing all the time so I never get bored). What these programs have done for me in the nutrition side of things and the fitness side of things is absolutely INSANE. My ENTIRE life and health has changed. What these programs have done for for me mentally is INVALUABLE. Literally PRICELESS. I am a DIFFERENT PERSON than I was two years ago and it's because I am able to prove to myself OVER & OVER again that I am capable of doing hard things. That I am capable of COMMITTING to something, CLIMBING through the obstacles, and CONQUERING anything I set my mind to!! I apply that mindset that I've gained through fitness in every area of my life and its an INCREDIBLE feeling. 💕

I am started Round TWO and I didn't even think for a second about a break! I love it so much that I'm SO SO EXCITED to continue!! I cannot wait to see what the next 6 weeks will bring but FOR NOW....

Enrollment is open for my November Bootcamp and, whats so incredible is that when you enroll THIS month, you will get VIP access to all of the info all about this new program AND be the first to snag your spot in my early release January TEST GROUP!!! PLUS, as a gesture of gratitude, our Brave Babes Fit Tribes Bootcamps are $20 OFF this month!! HOLLA!!

To snag a spot in November's #BraverThanBefore Bootcamp, click the link below and be sure to fill out the form! I will be getting back to everyone this week to help you get rocking and rolling and ready for the launch of this incredible program!!

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