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Thanking Our Creator!!!

Just got done at Children’s & the level of JOY in my heart is unbelieveable.

I was so freaked out after the doctors call yesterday. It wasn’t “just” a fractured femur (as if that wasn’t enough)... there was another concern. The X-rays showed something might be wrong with her bone density.

Y’all, that’s all I knew & the rest, the doctor said, we would need to speak with the specialist about. But that didn’t stop my mind from running a million miles ahead.

I’ve been to WAY too many specialists appointments with my late husband, Nick. And, my friends, for us... those never went well.

I would be lying if I said my PTSD from stuff like that isn’t real. Because it absolutely is!! I spent this morning showing up for my fit tribe, burning off the stress, during the hour in past lives where I used to let my thoughts spiral. I got up, did my workout & l leaned into TRUTH. Because truth was the only way I could breathe. I had to remember that God has it all. That He sees me. That He hears me. That He knows me. And He is always, no matter what, working ALL things together for GOOD.

Left Children’s Hospital for a walk around Green Lake, singing praise!! Because though little Emery’s femur fractured all the way through from the fall, it should heal ENTIRELY without surgery!

She’s got a full leg cast for a month to help it heal. But BEST THING I heard all day - they aren’t concerned about her bone density. They said it’s actually normal for a baby who hasn’t started walking yet to have less dense bones.

They’ll do another X-ray in a month to make sure it’s all healed up correctly but she should be feeling better in no time!! 😭😍

SO DANG GRATEFUL to you all & for all of your prayers. & thanking our Creator for His Grace!!

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