Client Testimonials

Changes I’ve seen: Mentally, I am so much more confident in what my body can do. Spiritually, I have a more grateful and trusting heart. Physically, I am stronger, and have more endurance.
Favorite part of he group is seeing everyone else’s success AND struggles. It totally motivates me and makes me better I don’t want my desire to be the healthiest me I can be and to help my family to be the healthiest they can be to ever change. I want our health to be a priority for life!!
Just want to keep doing these groups. They’re the best!
-Angie T.
I liked the accountability of the group, and even though sometimes I was too busy to post, my newsfeed was always a constant reminder of the commitment I made. I will miss all those posts of positivity from such real people with real everyday struggles. You all are made of something special and deserve all of life’s happiness.
I saw your late husband’s video late one night and just had to make sure his beautiful family was doing ok, that’s when I saw all your posts. I never mentioned it to you before, but the day after I saw his video, I gave up Diet Coke. That’s even before I thought about you or this group. It’s amazing how even in his death he gives so much life to others. I saw so many improvements in myself.
My husband looks at me differently and my jeans fit better. I feel somewhat sexy for the first time in years. Thank you to everyone who made this group unique and beautiful. God bless you all on this journey!

-Aleisha D.

I LOVE that I met new lovely women from all backgrounds and different geographical locations. I love the accountability.
Physically: Lost 10 lbs, about 8 inches total in three weeks, my bowel movements are REGULAR (first time in almost 9 years!), and VERY MINIMAL pain (maybe twice? Used to having abdominal/kidney pain daily). I am enjoying having a SEX LIFE again. Being so miserable AND post-menopause (hysterectomy), means my sex drive lacks MAJOR... something about feeling good is making that a comeback in strides!
Mentally: I am a MUCH HAPPIER person. My anxiety has pretty much gone away, altogether.
Spiritually: I’ve taken the time to center myself and be a healthy “TEMPLE” and it feels AMAZING. If I am tempted to eat the wrong food, I literally feel convicted. I am reminded how blessed I am with each bite of Whole Foods and non processed garbage. I am REALLY finding all the things to be grateful for!
-Amber B.
Congratulations to ALL! Power is a woman! I loved everything about this group! Without it I wouldn't finish the 21df for sure, I've always hated working out, sweating, getting tired. So it was really essential to get daily support and assignments. Thank you all for your comments and likes, they were so inspiring and motivating! Together we stand, divided we fall. Physically: my belly seems much smaller and I have more energy and no evening cravings which was my biggest problem. Mentally: I feel stronger and more capable. The phrase "if you're tired of starting over, stop giving up" became my motto. I actually began to enjoy working out! For me it's just incredible. Spiritually: It was last Sunday that I've heard these words in my church, about my body being a temple. It moved me so much this time! My body is sacred, because it's part of God's beloved Body (the Church) and respecting it, loving it is my task, my responsibility. I feel like these 21 days were the beginning for this new way of treating my body, with love, respect and gratefulness.

-Kasia O.

The difference in my body on Day #21 vs Day #1 is crazy!! I loved this group, I’m incredibly glad that I joined and it’s def changed my life!
I’ve improved in my strength, flexibility and energy for sure. Working out has given me almost an escape. It’s a healthy way for me to release stress, anxiety, etc. it has definitely helped me, mentally.
Like I mentioned before, my FIRST and LAST workout with this group.. the difference was very noticeable! My energy level from when I started especially, my first day I was completely worn out after and now I feel fine! It’s still challenging but like the trainer says “It doesn’t get “easier”, you get better!”.
My confidence has gone way up, my results are very encouraging and inspiring for me to continue on this journey and I won’t give up.
-Rose M.
I liked being able to see everyone doing it together. From posting about workout to assignments. I think it was helpful to see we were all on the same boat pushing through.
Physically, I am stronger and feeling so happy (as is Jon) with all the changes we have visibly seen. Mentally, we were both determined. He definitely helped pushing me further. We’ve been told we look good and we feel good! We’re motivated. We also have so much more energy than before. And my back hasn’t been bothering me as much as it had.
Completely different person from when I started. I’m a little stronger. I have more energy. I have been pushing my body more. It’s been great to see the changes in 21 days!
It’s been fun to see it all.

-Tania K.

These past 21 days have been a whirlwind!! The only thing that felt constant in my world were my workouts & YOU beautiful ladies!!! I loved the beautiful connections that were made in this group, knowing I was NOT alone & of course the accountability! I rode a bike 6 miles yesterday and didn’t even know it! Thanks for building my stamina! So very grateful for the ladies & this group!! I’m a different person!! My body is stronger and abs seem to be coming in!! Whoop whoop!!!!
-Leah C.
This group is awesome. I have never been part of such a positive, real group of ladies. So many different woman, at different stages but all with a common goal! I have loved, loved, loved it! These past twenty one days have been awesome/challenging/difficult and fabulous. A real challenge! You are the best, Alyssa Galios! I am sooooo thankful that God brought you into my life at this time. The way you and all you awesome ladies shared just made me never want to give up and I feel so much stronger emotionally and physically. My daughter was blessed by you all too! I would love to join another challenge soon. If I have learned anything with age is that it's not a diet for me, it is a way of life.
-Kim T.

Before the group I felt unmotivated and this challenge motivates you to go above and beyond, like there is a purpose. I have felt sore, but at the same time the endorphins have me feeling great and I’m sleeping better too. I’m proud of myself for sticking to working out every day. I had another physical fitness test at the end of August. I managed to knock off over 50 seconds off my run time through participating in your group. Participating in the fitness challenge enabled me to build good momentum. So I would definitely like to keep going.
-Edgar G.
I love these groups. They push me to get out of my comfort zone and show up for myself even when I don't want to! (I always feel better when I do) I LOVED this group of gals!! They are real and raw and super supportive. There's nothing I love more than women cheering on other women!!! I am a TON stronger and way less jiggly all over!! I was able to make it the whole 3 weeks without quitting! (I missed a workout or 2 and messed up on the meal plan here and there but I did not give up!!) My fiancé was very impressed with how I laughed through the abs workout while he was wincing in pain!! Haha tough guy. ;) AND my Mom came to visit for a few days (I haven't seen her since July 7th) and her jaw dropped when she saw me!! She said "Woah!! Someone's been working out!" :D

-Gayle Z.

I'm feeling like a whole new person. Super healthy and way more positive it's awesome whenever the weather changes I get sinus issues which I have for my entire life so it isn't a big surprise but doing the shakes and getting more workouts in and drinking A TON of tea is totally working in my favor!
-Dara W.
I love that we all get to share our success, motivate each other and even see that sometimes you aren’t they only one to miss a work out or not stay with your meal plan. About a year ago I tried a workout/meal plan and I pretty much gave up bc I would have a day that I didn’t work out or didn’t eat the best and I just thought “oh well may as well just start over next week” but now seeing that I’m not the only one and learning to get up and start over RIGHT THEN has made a huge change! When I started this I never thought id make it 21 days, much less be ready to start again the day I finish!!
– Candi I.

I'm feeling like a whole new person. Super healthy and way more positive it's awesome whenever the weather changes I get sinus issues which I have for my entire life so it isn't a big surprise but doing the shakes and getting more workouts in and drinking A TON of tea is totally working in my favor!
-Ayla S.
I’m still super excited to be a part of this fitness group! I love that I’m doing something positive for myself and it’s ultimately boosting my confidence! Super proud of myself for committing to all aspects of it and not giving up or making excuses. Also, really like the encouragement that is shared in the group. Thank you for that! Can’t forget to mention that I have already lost 7 lbs since Sunday and my clothes are fitting better!!! What?! It feels pretty darn good! Think it’s safe to say I will be continuing in some fashion after 21 days are up. Really enjoying the shakes too! Believe they are starting to give me a boost. Thank you for inviting me to join the group. I know it’s helping to change my life in multiple ways. Super pleased and excited!

- Robin D.
I love this program and this community!! I have already lost 5 inches and I COULD CRY at the changes I am seeing in myself not only physically, but mentally and emotionally! So I really want to say thank you to you for being such a motivator!
- Denise P.
3 weeks ago I was still awake at 1am on a Sunday night. A friend had made an uninformed comment 2 weeks prior about "If I didn't have donuts, I might not have had diabetes."When I lay in my bed that night I looked at the puncture wounds covering my stomach and legs. At this point, I finally broke down. I burst into sobbing tears and was crying to God "I've had enough. I can't take the remarks, the needles, the stigma, the lack of confidence and independence. I'm done. Please just take it away."
I struggled for the next couple of weeks to focus myself to read or pray. My head was heavy of thoughts I couldn't piece together but were clouding my entire mind. I wasn't content in who God had made me and as I result I couldn't find fulfillment in Him no matter how I longed for it. The only thing I could focus on was worship music.
Flashforward 3 weeks to this week: Wednesday I walked into work my head felt empty and free. I felt JOYFUL (what the heck?!), energized and ready for the day. I was praying and this time for the first time in months I was praising God.
I know my body has and will change but my mind has got there first.
I was on the road trip on Saturday with the friend who made the comment and I was telling him more about it (while slurping down my shake). I told him how this whole week I haven't injected any of my quick acting insulin!!! None! Normally I could have 30/40 units a day! My long lasting one has also been CUT DOWN! I was taking 18units in the morning and 18 in the evening. I'm now taking 16 in the morning and 12 at night!!!! The morning and evening one will never stop but reducing it is INCREDIBLE!! I don't know what's doing it - the shakes, the workouts but something is working in the background and keeping my blood levels constantly between 5 & 8.5! I felt freer, happier and he could also sense it after his dubious remarks how "how much I paid" & "if it's really worth it" didn't even phase me. If I don't have to feel like a constant pin-cushion all the time, it's worth it. If I feel joyful to God, it's with it. If I feel content/ happy in who I've been created to be, it's worth it. If I lose weight (which the scales tells me I have!!!!), feel healthier and more energized, it's worth it!
I'm so excited for the next 21days!
-Elspeth W.

My last week of workouts were still challenging and had me sweating like week one, but I noticed I could finish a whole minute without taking a small break these last few workouts this week. I noticed I pushed harder and felt better afterwards. I’m more confident in my body, my mind to push through the tough, and I definitely feel a lot stronger than I did three weeks ago. It just hyped me up and I can’t wait to continue on and see what else I can achieve!!
- Alysson D.
To be completely honest, I absolutely love every single thing about it. Doesn’t require an excessive amount of daily interaction to feel a part of the group while maintaining the goal of being an infinite motivator with continuous support which is hugely beneficial, all of which make up the perfect balance of accountability and independence which is beyond what I ever dreamed of when I signed up for this fit tribe! I can’t thank you enough!
- Jessica P.
After two major surgeries, and during a corporate hiatus, I was looking for a program to lose weight, gain core strength and confidence. Finding Alyssa and the tribe has been such a blessing - workouts that don’t require me to leave my home and yet challenge me daily and with women who encourage me in the any program, you reap what you sow. Put in the work, try shakeology and I hope you gain the same energy and strength that I have over the past six months! Alyssa is a constant encouragement and I’m grateful to have found this tribe!
- Stephanie S.