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Going BIG!


This story of tragedy has turned into something with such a LIFE-CHANGING, FAR-REACHING, shooting star trajectory!!! 💫 && I couldn't be happier. #miraclesDOhappen

Our team has started multiplying like bunnies... bunnies IN LOVE. 😂 #getit


We've grown so much that the 2.5 x 4 foot whiteboard we had to keep track of our team has QUICKLY become WAYYYY TOO SMALL!!

So, #MoreWhiteboard, it is!! 4 x 8 feet, come at chyeah girl!

I wouldn't say that what we've done is EASY.

But it IS simpler than you'd think.


That's about the jist of it. 🤷🏼‍♀️

It is SO DANG fulfilling to know that we are helping people physically, mentally, & often FINANCIALLY BETTER their lives!! 🙏🏼

We get DAILY messages (sometimes hourly) of our clients (that we whole-heartedly consider friends) telling us HOW GLAD they are that they've given our 3 Week challenge a try. 😍

And, we are LEADING & GROWING a team to help us help MORE people. #bettertogether

💰 NO income limits! (Hobby, side job, or career.. you choose. The sky is the limit!)

🙅🏼 NO boss telling you want to do! (Think of us as your mentors. But, this is YOUR business!)

⏰ NO set schedule or timeline. (Run, walk, jog or sprint. You get to set the pace! Don't worry, we'll keep up!)

We have the tools, the infrastructure, & the PURPOSE (helping people get fit the RIGHT way, without gimmicks, tricks or crash diets)... All you need to bring to the table is your passion & a HEART for others.

We are taking on FIVE NEW PEOPLE to mentor this month.

We are looking for GO-GETTERS with LOTS of HEART & a feeling that their life was meant to MAKE a DIFFERENCE. That they were made for brave things. 👍🏼

If you think that you MIGHT be the right fit for Team Made for Brave, PLEASE reach out & shoot me a PM so that we can figure that out together. 👩🏼‍💻

What if you fail??

Oh, my friend.... WHAT IF YOU FLY?!

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