Nothing Replaces a Supportive Husband!
I don't know what I did to deserve a love like this. But, I must be doing something right... 💋
Last night... I looked at Jay. Serious as a heart attack & said, "It's time." He knew just what I was talking about.
When I'm ALREADY doing everything I can to be the best mom, the best person, the best health coach I can be... And my days are CRAMMED with all the good stuff & a whole lot of hard work. But, I go to this man & tell him, three months pregnant with our baby... That I've gotta add ONE MORE THING. ☝️
He wraps me in his arms & says,
"It's been on your heart for such a long time... You NEED to do this. We will work out all the details! Go for it, baby. You're going to be great!"
I've officially set into motion the birth of another glorious-scary-as-hell-God-sized dream that's consumed my soul for years. ✨
Our health & fitness business WILL NOT be taking the back seat. We have BIG GOALS to reach MORE people this year than we ever have in the past & our commitment to our clients & team of coaches will NEVER fade. Our FAMILY will remain my highest priority. My time taking care of MYSELF & my relationship with my creator will be MORE important now than ever before.
But, y'all, if you're ever wondering what I'm doing with my "free time" in the coming months...
It's this! *I mean.. I've avoided Game of Thrones for this long, I think I can hold on another six months! 😜
I am WRITING my book!
Thank you for all of your support Jay Bay Bay. You know I couldn't do this without you... Your love, support & encouragement means the world to me. Nick, thank you for your constant belief in me. Even now, I can feel you cheering me on. 💃
Manuscript will be in place in six months! And I'm thinking how awesome it would be to involve y'all in some of the editing process to get this thing ready for the world!! I mean, some of you know my story almost as well as I do. 😉
EXCITED as HECK to be on this journey. EXCITED as HECK for what's to come. ETERNALLY thankful for your support. 🙏
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