A Leap of Faith
Just 2 years ago.. Alyssa came to me and said, "Should I actually do this!?"
After many discussions, doubts, fears of the unknown, and "what ifs," my wife decided to take the leap and pursue an opportunity that has now given us a life we had always envisioned.
After seeing the potential of what this opportunity could do for our family, I came alongside to help with our business, eventually quit my job within a year of starting, and haven't looked back since.
We had no idea what the outcome would be, but we had faith and took consistent action. We showed up day after day even when we may not have felt like it. Seeing the value we have to offer and what this could do for other people, how could we not!? With helping hundreds of people get on track with their health and fitness and now leading an Elite team, we are able to make choices in life we wouldn't been able to make had we not taken that leap just 2 years ago.
We spent this last weekend in Vegas on an expense paid trip while being surrounded by the top leaders in the company we partner with and are coming back with some incredible action items to share with our team & grateful hearts.
Emery even got to join in on some of the team building fun!