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Our Made for Brave Coaching team is currently ranked as the 80th top team out of 400,000+ teams across the world!!! HOLY!! 😱 Our team locked ELITE in before the fourth quarter!!! 😍My husband & I have built an incredible business working from home!!! Two-&-a-half years since starting this online coaching business - and I’ll admit that these “accolades” are FREAKING INCREDIBLE!!!

BUT... I don’t want to talk ABOUT the numbers, I want to talk about what matters because here’s my little secret... NUMBERS. DONT. MATTER.

Reaching for a big ole goal is NEVER a bad thing, but if you aren’t moving toward your goals in a way that makes you feel good on the inside, you won’t feel better when you achieve it. Let me give you an example. Back when I worked a “real” job, you know, at an office as an employee, I was STRIVING for a C-level position.

But, as I worked toward that goal, I wasn’t honoring my values. I worked 50, sometimes 60 hours a week. I missed dinners with my husband. We didn’t go on trips. We didn’t go on date nights. I didn’t focus on my relationship with myself or my Creator either because I barely had time to even eat or pee. I became the Chief Operating Officer of an esteemed startup incubator here in Seattle at the age of 24. 📈

I reached my goal, I got a killer salary & a fancy title. And you guys?? I woke up the next morning & didn’t feel ANY DIFFERENT. I did NOT feel successful. Because I WAS NOT happy. A few months later, I QUIT. Because I realized.... looking SUCCESSFUL on the outside never feels as good as being PROUD OF YOURSELF on the inside.

What am I MOST proud of when I look at the goals this team has achieved?? I can tell you all, it’s not about the numbers. I’m proud of the WAY we’ve achieved them. And I have been PROUD of this team long before we earned any formal recognition. Back when it looked like we weren’t doing anything when all along we’ve been doing the SAME STUFF. ✔️ YES, we work our butts off. YES, we have late nights & early mornings sometimes. YES, we have to show up even on the days we don’t feel like it. BUT, we work on reaching our goals ONLY in a way that FEELS good for us. 💯

Which means CRAZY HARD, WORK THAT WE LOVE WERK sesh’s followed by AMPLE unplugged time for our family. Reaching these goals feels soo dang good, MAINLY because we made sure every step of the way felt GOOD too.

It’s not just about achieving that end goal, it’s about the kind of person you become as you worked toward it. 💕

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