TWO FULL DAYS of SNOW!! ❄️ Yesterday, we played all day in the mountains. Last night, we got over 10 inches, school was cancelled, & we played with the cousins for hours!!
Now it’s 4pm & everyone is pooped... but Austyn refuses to admit it & Em is refusing to nap. Whatever, girls. No tricking us into extra servings of hot cocoa or frost bitten fingers. We see right through your tantrums. In fact, we’ve trained for this!!
Getting a little work done cozied up by the fire with the hubs while Austyn looks longingly on & Em screams to high heaven from her crib. Oh the joys of parenthood!!
Here are some of the picture worthy moments. Not pictured: ALL of the other ones. 😜 Follow on insta to catch all the fun in my stories: @alyssagalios