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Hard Concept to Grasp

This was the hardest concept for me to grasp after my husband died. Mainly because... I didn’t believe it was true. ⁣ HOW could a God who loved us allow such bad things to happen? My husband was my everything. And he was EVERYTHING. Incredibly Kind. Wildly Generous. A Christ follower through & through. With the most Gorgeous smile he wasn’t afraid of sharing with even a stranger. Why him?! Why me?! Why MY DAUGHTER’S daddy?? 😭 ⁣ I was so hurt. So broken. So confused. My life was pure chaos... it took a lot... a move across the country. A deep dive into my grief. A aching, pleading, desperate search. But eventually... I found my way back to hope. 💕 ⁣ I want to share the rest of this story with you, because there’s so much more to it. Friend, even if you haven’t felt the things I’ve felt, will you let me share with you the incredible way I’ve come to the place I am now? More whole & more HAPPY than I’ve ever been before? Subscribe to my booklist. Stay in the loop. There isn’t a thing I want more for you than what I have. And it’s available to you, too. MadeforBrave .com/book

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