Making Memories is Worth It!
Spent TEN DAYS on a family vacay with this girl & her little sis & I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t craving another vacation when we got back.
Traveling with kids is hard. But you know what? Its worth it for me. You know why? Because ADVENTURES are the things we remember.
Playing at home with your kids can be hard, too. But I won’t stop. Because it’s the times when we challenge ourselves & go outside of the box & our daily routine that we don’t forget.
One of the things Nick asked me to do before he died (along with falling in love again, chasing my dreams & remembering Gods got it)... he asked me to take our girl on trips. He asked me to make as many memories as I could with her.
And y’all, that’s exactly what I’ll keep on doing. Today we spent hours playing with legos & putting up planter boxes outside. Last week, we spent hours on a boat in the middle of the Bahamas looking at fish in the coral reef.
Even if it means 18 hour travel days & hauling car seats & booster seats halfway around the world. Even if it means struggling to put a tiny little head on a tiny little doll...
It’s. So. Worth. It. What are good memories worth to you??