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Peace Out

Peace out to: ⁣ Excuses⁣ Negativity ⁣ Self sabotage ⁣ Staying broken⁣ Being comfortable⁣ Taking the easy way out⁣ One day I decided I wasn’t the kind of person I’d been. When it came time for my usual excuses to stay in bed, drink yet another glass of wine or spend my hours wasting away binging on Netflix... I told myself I wasn’t HER anymore. I wasn’t the kind of woman who let life beat her. I wasn’t the kind of mom who let life own her. And I wasn’t the kind of daughter who forgot her father was a King. ⁣ For a long while there, I let my loss define me. Widowed at 26 years old. My best friend loss to a freak cancer when our baby was just 9 months old... I had EVERY REASON in the book not to show up for life after that. ⁣ Nobody would have blamed me if I sat on my couch & checked out of life, if I lived a small life afraid of every shadow, if I spent the rest of my days broken, pissed off & sunk down. ⁣ Life scars us. I don’t know about you, but I’m covered in bruises & riddled with losses & I haven’t even hit my mid life stride yet. ⁣ At the end of the day, as hard as it is to admit, it’s up to you. Are you going to use your excuses? Are you going to believe the lies? Are you going to listen to the voice that tells you you aren’t good enough? ⁣ Or are you going to push forward in spite of it all, kick that ish to the curb & move forward, do the next thing, all while looking for miracles?? ⁣ Sometimes God has to allow us to be broken for us to experience the breakthrough we’ve been looking for. Don’t stop at the broken places, my friend. What lies ahead is FAR better than anything you’ve left behind... but you have to be willing to go for it. ⁣ #MadeforBrave

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