Live Brave.
I spent MONTHS lying next to my best friend as he slowly faded from this world. He was 27. Here are a few things he said...
>> I WISH I could have spent more time with you.
>> I really wish I would have worked less & been home more.
>> I WISH I could play baseball again.
>> I wish I could be there to watch my daughter grow up.
>> I WISH I could have an ice cold beer.
>> I wish we could go camping again & I wish we took more vacations.
>> I WISH I would have danced more with you.
>> I wish I took better care of my body when I was healthy... I didn’t really realize what I had.
>> I WISH I took you on more dates.
I live my life honoring the lessons my late husband Nick Magnotti taught me. His words will forever impact my life. WHY??
Because I don’t want to wish I did more with what I’ve been given. Because when I work, I want it to be work that MAKES A DIFFERENCE in other people’s lives.
Because when I spend time with my family, I WILL NOT settle for just a few hours a day. Because when I take care of MY LIFE, I’m saying thank you to the one who created it.
Because tomorrow is NEVER certain. And safety is NEVER promised. You might as well live a life you’re proud of...
You might as well live BRAVE.