It Changed My Life!
When I started coaching my first fit tribe two years ago (almost to THE DAY), I HAD NO IDEA the ways it would impact me or my family.
I was a single mom, widowed by my late husband & I simply had gotten SICK & tired of being sick & TIRED. I was fighting an INSANELY PAINFUL auto-immune disease, a bad back & a recurring knee injury. 😬
I had joined an online challenge group mainly out of DESPERATION. I KNEW I needed to eat healthier & exercise but the gym was NOT happening. And, shopping for & making healthy meals felt like too big of a burden when I didn’t even know what to make each night.
After getting AMAZING results, toning up & becoming SO MUCH STRONGER & feeling better than I had in YEARS, I was able to even QUIT ALL MY MEDS! I knew, beyond a shadow of a doubt, I HAD to help people in my life do the same!!
I launched my first challenge group, convincing my then fiancé (now husband) & my dad & a few neighbors to join me...
NOW, I lead a TEAM of people running their own Fit Tribes, too! &, as a team, we have helped THOUSANDS!!
Did I have ANY CLUE that I would make a ripple effect like this?! Nope. Not really. But I KNEW I wanted to help people get healthy so I haven’t stopped.
It’s CHANGED my family in more ways than one. But, the GREATEST collateral reward for me? That this little girl barely remembers the mom who could barely get off the couch.
She will always remember me as a mom who had energy, who took care of herself, who chased her dreams & was around EVERY DAY for her kiddos.
There are two things we should give our children. One of them is roots. And the other is WINGS. I am working hard to give this girl & her little sister BOTH. ✨