Focus on Love
She said I was “too skinny...” He’d said I was “too big...” And it wasn’t the first time I’d heard it. I’ve had friends and strangers alike tell me what they think about how I look. My stretch marks, my mom-of-two belly button, my biceps, my freckles, my spider veins, the color of my skin, my weight, and even the shape of my nose. I could go on and on. I’ve heard commentary on it all. But instead of this crazy weird way the world has decided everyone is here only for our critiquing, I’m working to teach my girls another way. Instead of commenting on the physical appearance of other women, I point out their personality traits, I make note of their character. Instead of picking myself apart in the mirror, I talk nicely about myself and let my girls hear so they know how to love themselves too. And instead of telling my babies how cute they are, I tell them how proud I am of their bravery. REMEMBER just because the world shouts their judgement doesn’t mean we have to listen. Focus on healthy. Focus on happy. Focus on loving however your body looks when you are. You feel me, friend? Cause I’m feeling my too-skinny-too-buff-sometimes-squishy-beautiful self. 😊 #selflovesunday #madeforbrave