Austyn Turns FOUR!!

Happy 4th Birthday, Austyn Elizabeth!! 🎉 There are NO WORDS to express the love I have for this girl. No "thank you" large enough to encompass the gratitude I feel for the gift of her life. 💕 I'm forever IN AWE of her: her spunk, her sass, her strength, her compassion, her generosity, her heart for God & heart for others! Not to mention, I'm pretty sure she is the cutest kid EVER to walk this planet. 😘 #mightbeslightlybiased Love you SO INCREDIBLY much little girl & so dang thankful that I'm your momma. 🙏🏼 Happy BIRFFFDAY, goose!! 🤗 #austynelizabeth #turnsfouryearsold #checkoutmyinstastoryforbirthdayfun