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Time for ACTION.

CONFESSION: I used to think that anyone who spent money on health & fitness was a chump. "I'll just eat healthy." "I'll just go on runs." ... & park as far away from entrances as possible. ... & take the stairs. ALWAYS. 🙈😂 My plan was all well & good, & I had the BEST of intentions... but, it took guts to admit that it clearly wasn't working. 🤗 Not even because of how I LOOKED necessarily, but because of how I FELT! 😬 I was exhausted everyday. 😭 I was temperamental. 😤 I was jealous of people who had ENERGY. 😴 I was ready for bed by 7PM! ENERGY was the main thing I was looking for when I started this program. I kicked my INTENTIONS to the curb & decided to take ACTION instead... & what do you know? IT PANNED RIGHT OUT! 👉🏼 2 weeks in & my ENERGY was skyrocketing. 👙 6 weeks in & I had lost two dress sizes & people started to NOTICE. 👌🏼 8 weeks in & my "chronic" back pain has disappeared. 😊 12 weeks in & I weaned myself off all my prescription meds for my auto immune disease. 🙏🏼 4 months in & I prayed about my next steps & knew God was leading me to run my own challenge group, with a bit of a spiritual twist (MIND BODY & SOUL, baybay!)! 😍 Now, just 10 months since starting on this journey.... I CANNOT EVEN TELL YOU how many blessings have abundantly poured in! One TINY decision to make the leap & attempt to change my mindset.... resulted in one of my BEST life decisions EVER!! We are building a rockstar team of coaches. People who WANT to live healthy lifestyles & are willing to learn how to inspire others to make the change, too! That sounds BIG. Maybe you're wondering if you could actually do something like that.... don't worry. Totally normal. I wondered the same thing, too. The great part is, you don't have to decide everything now!! BUT, you can decide to make a change. 🙌🏼 To turn your intentions into action. 💪🏼 Or, to turn your ALREADY GREAT HEALTH into something even more, that inspires the REST of the world to find the JOY that you've found from living out a healthy lifestyle. 😍💕Either way, whatever you do, FRIEND.... do it with passion. 💕😍 If you don't know WHY you're doing what you do each day, it's time to change things up. I'm here to talk about HOW. 🤗 #takingactiombeginswithONEchoice #readytofly#happysaturdayfriends

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