You can choose.
You can choose. & you can always choose AGAIN. Yesterday was the last day of the month and our coaching team was working hard to lock in some big goals. Around noon, I got a little tip from a friend in the publishing world, a door was cracked open, maybe just for a moment... & if I could manage to slip my book proposal in at just the right time - It could be the answer to my prayers. 🙏🏼 You guys... My proposal is in the middle of a re-work!! I immediately FROZE in fear. Afraid of messing up, afraid of missing the opportunity, afraid of not knowing what to do, and afraid that even if I did know what to do... my work wouldn’t be good enough. And, on top of all that, I was afraid of dropping the ball I was carrying for our team of 300+ coaches. It took me a few hours of “chicken-with-my-head-cut-off” syndrome to take a step back & DECIDE whether or not I was going to let ALL of that STUFF get to me. In the past, I would have let that feeling run my day... maybe even run my week. But, not this time... I took a step back. I re-prioritized. I hung out with my family & reframed that BIG picture. And after some hours of chill, I got back to work with a clear head. And you know what happened? We SLAYED our fit biz goal. And, the opportunity for the book proposal is STILL there. I’ve suddenly got loads of work to do this week. AND, on top of all that... it just so happens that I’m leading a call tomorrow for a team of over 2,800+ coaches. I could let ALL THAT stress me out. But, y’all, I’m choosing otherwise. And, I’m letting my TRUE priorities lead, & they have nothing to do with the work that I produce. They have to do with *WHOSE WORK I AM.* I could have gotten back on the HOT MESS EXPRESS this morning. And, while yesterday I certainly took a little ride... TODAY, I’m ALREADY choosing NOT to board that train. Whatever hits the fan, I’m ready. And, I’m choosing to be GRATEFUL. 💕 #MadeforBrave #GaliosHouse