Our Honeymoon

"Are you guys on vacation?" A local and I had struck up a conversation on the weather, on the beaches, and on the state of the waves while we waited on our coffee. ☕️☕️☕️ "Yes! But we head home today!!" I told the stranger... "Aww. Bummer...." He said with a sigh. He hadn't seen the smile pulling at the corners of my mouth or the glint in my eye as I'd answered him. "Quite the opposite." I replied, smiling still... "I'm excited actually!" 🙈😂😍 --- Our honeymoon was amazing. A gift. A calm. A piece of our own. But I'm insanely (like I COULD NOT SLEEP last night) excited about being back home, too!! ❤️ I got to kiss my little girl when we got back from the airport as she lay sleeping in her bed. I get to fall asleep next to my husband in our home... I get to write this week... I get to watch my daughter grow... And, I get to (or hope to) breathe for another day and try my best to make a change FOR THE BETTER... 😍 AND, PLUS!!! 💃🏻 My very own first ever fitness and challenge group starts on Monday!! 💪🏼💪🏼💪🏼 Eeeeep!! --- Life is what you make of it folks. Don't go living for your vacations.... Live for your breaths. Each and every one is precious. 💕