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Its NOT About Having Abs

Still can't believe that I get to live in THIS body with only a half hour of working out a day. 🤗 HONESTLY. I played D2 collegiate soccer on a SCHOLARSHIP & had to bust my butt for 3-4 hours a day & I NEVER looked or felt like this. 🙅🏼 NEVER. It's NOT rocket science but it's SOO HARD to commit to a program in this day & age. We are all just so darn busy!! 💃🏻#cheeeyup But, if I can find the time to do it (keep in mind that I started this up as a single solo-parenting working momma), then you can too!! 👇🏼 Seriously. YOU. About to hop on a video call tonight with 11 INCREDIBLE leaders & chat about what fires us up about this positive pollution that we get to spread to all y'all. Honestly. I don't know how I'll keep my talk short enough for my allotted slot because I don't even SEE a negative side. 🤷🏼‍♀️👌🏼🤗 #iswearit FREAKING incredible to watch those we are mentoring this month SLAY their own challenge groups in their own INCREDIBLE ways! Our team was MADE FOR BRAVE things & it SHOWS! 👊🏼#madeforbrave If you're ever curious about what I do behind the scenes to get a workout in EVERY day or how I've been able to achieve this level of STRONG in such a short time, as a MOM & buuuuusssssy layday, reach out! I don't bite & I'm not even *that* sweaty right now. 😂😂😂 #21daystofitwithalyssa

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