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What to do When it Feels Like Hope is Lost..

If you watched the news this morning, you might be feeling a tightness in your chest, a catch in your breath, a lump in your throat. 😢

When innocent blood is shed...

When broken hearts feel like the norm...

When the possibility for hope feels so far away. 💔

When this kind of crazy feels like it's starting to occur regularly. WHAT CAN WE POSSIBLY DO?!?!

We can WEEP. Because shared tears are multiplied healing. 😭

We can PRAY. Because He bends down to listen even when we don't understand the response. 🙏🏼

You don't have to lay in bed, deathly afraid, shaking in fear. Because TRUTH is an awesome tranquilizer. 👈🏼

The evil in this world is completely powerless when it's battled with the TRUTH, LIGHT & LOVE of the Creator of the Universe. ✨

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