One of the BEST Things that has Ever Happened to me..
This last weekend was EPIC. With my mind still reeling from all the incredible stories we heard, the besties that we finally met & the incredible way the company we work with goes out of their way to spoil us... I think I was impacted MOST by the presence of our little girl on this trip!!
With Austyn back home hanging with the fam & having a blast... Emery, Jay & I took to the sky. And walking across that stage in Indianapolis representing our fitness biz achievements & seeing her out on the floor of the stadium, I was struck with a few realizations. ✨
ONE. No matter how incredible of a business person I might turn out to be. No matter how many lives I help change... Being the BEST MOM I can be will always matter more to me than any professional accolade I will ever earn. 💯
TWO. How blessed I am that being the BEST MOM (& the best me) is about 75% of what I do as my “job.” Everyday at home, I put my relationship with my Creator first. And, my relationship with myself second. So that I can pour into my loved ones MORE. 💕#fillyourcupfirst
THREE. God had a crazy, crazy ish plan for me & my future family when He allowed me to stumble into this magical community. He knew I was looking to do more with my life, find a way to fix my health, a way to make an impact, and a career that would give me time to write & freedom to REALLY LIVE. I had NO IDEA all of those things would be wrapped up in ONE incredible life-changing package!!🙌🏼
SO FREAKING THANKFUL that I decided to take that first step a little over two years ago by joining an online fitness accountability group. I was practically CERTAIN it wouldn’t work for me. But my then-boyfriend, now-husband’s words had prompted me to action.
“You should at least TRY it. What’s the worst that could happen?”
To this day, I don’t even know because THIS is one of the best things that has EVER happened to me. Scouts honor. 🙋🏼♀️