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I Need Ten!

I’m looking for TEN LADIES who are looking to get FIT for summer & still have a life, drink the wine & do all the fun shtuff, too! ⁣💯 Our team has EARLY ACCESS to one of the most incredible programs to be released this fall!!! ⁣ • All new workouts. 🏋🏻‍♀️⁣ • FOUR DAYS A WEEK. 😍⁣ • 30-40 minutes a day!!! 🙌🏼⁣ • HIIT, LIFT & CORE!! 💪🏼⁣ This summer’s social calendar is JAM PACKED!!! Weddings, trips, camping, BBQ’s, celebrations, & all sorts of date nights. And, I don’t know about you, but a four day a week program with 3 rest days (or do-whatever-other-activities-you-want-days) sounds like JUST THE THING!! ✨⁣ If you’re willing to commit to 60 days of healthy - but balanced - eating, 4 short workouts a week that you can do from ANYWHERE, plus a CHEAT MEAL then let me know! 🥗⁣ The test group’s results have been INSANE!! Send me a message on FB or Insta with “I’m interested!” if you want in on the deets to see if this might be YOUR perfect storm for a FIT & FUN SUMMER, too!! 💕

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