Joining Forces with my Creator
Don’t be surprised at how quickly the universe works in your favor once you’ve irrevocably decided to join forces with it’s Creator.
My life would be COMPLETELY different if I never met the father of that little girl on my right. NONE of the people in my family now would be here if it wasn’t for Nick. 💕
He was my first love, my reason for being. He got sick when she was still inside my tummy & before my eyes, he wasted away to nothing, no matter how hard I worked to keep him here. 😔
Widowed mom of a tiny babe at just 26 years old. Then my dog died. Then I was diagnosed with an “incurable” auto immune disease. Then I had to sell our house. I was certain my life was CURSED.
... until I decided to pursue TRUTH instead of listening to my own thoughts. 🚫
I found LIGHT again, where only darkness had previously existed & then I started noticing that light EVERYWHERE. That’s when God plopped this guy on my left into the picture. Our ONLY shared experience... my late husband’s incredible friendship.
3 years later & the little family that’s formed has experienced LIFE. Which has meant more loss but it’s also meant getting even better & quicker at finding the LIGHT in the shadows. ✨
Come into relationship with the ONE who made you & follow Him as He leads you down a new path to REMAKE your future. It’ll be scary as HELL, but also... friend, it will be Entirely. Worth. It. 💯