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It’s Not Your Mother’s Step Program

See that step behind me??? That step is ALL the gym equipment I’ve needed for going on TEN WEEKS!! 💯

The craziest part is when I went to Vegas & then to Florida, I did the modified workouts without it. 20 minutes a day & my body has transformed yet again, I’ve reached a new level of lean, of STRONG, of feeling SO DANG ENERGIZED & I’m so excited to be able to FINALLY share this experience with y’all! 😍

I was honored to be asked to be a part of the pilot test group to try out this incredible program & now I’m getting the chance to pay it forward to YOU!! I seriously cannot wait to experience this next round WITH friends!!! Ahhh!! 🎁

Starting December 4th, ( mark your calendars!! ) YOU can get set up to be a part of my own test group!!! We will be prepping for special early access to one of the BEST programs I’ve ever seen that you can do from ANYWHERE (your living room, your basement, your gym, while traveling etc ).

It’s Not Your Mother’s Step Program & the results are absolutely INSANE!! Want to prep with us this season so you can be on top of your momentum game when the New Year hits?? OF COURSE YOU DO!! Then, friend, Fill out the form in the comments below to get your name on the list & I’ll be in contact to help you get set to do this with our Made for Brave Fit Fam!!

You’ve never seen a step class like this, my friends, I assure you!! Counting down the dayyys!!!

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