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He Made Me Brave. ⁣

To be honest, it would be easier if I just opted out... ⁣ It would have been easier to skip sharing my heart, my regrets & my beautifully broken past online. ⁣ It would have been easier to keep working my comfortable contract job than start a new business in an industry I never pictured myself in. ⁣ It would have been easier to live my life never risking my heart to love again after a loss like mine. ⁣ At one point in my journey... it would have been easier to stay on the couch than to get up every day and try to find hope again. ⁣ But, one thing has kept me going. This entire time. Since my world flipped upside down 8 years ago. One thought has kept me putting one foot in front of the other. The One who made me, the Creator of the universe... He is on my side. ⁣ And He Made Me Brave. ⁣ For a long time I resisted the courage He called me, too. I opted for easy, because I didn’t want hard. Until I realized the easy way out was more painful than the scary steps forward. ⁣ Now I’m less scared of failure and a heckuva lot more scared of succeeding at things that don’t matter. ⁣ Wherever He calls, I go. ⁣ It’s not a predictable life. It’s not a safe life. It’s probably not a life that everyone understands. But, living #MadeforBrave is absolutely-hands-down-100-percent worth the adventure.

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