Second Firsts - We're MARRIED!!

I promise to seek God first, and to follow Him to a better version of myself. I promise not to let myself get comfortable, but to find adventure with you by my side. And, when I do mess up, when we argue or disagree, I promise I'll never go to bed angry, even if that means we stay up all night. Whatever storms pass through our skies, Whether things are good or things are bad: Your home will be my home, your bed will be my bed, your children will be my children and your heart will be my heart. I understand that love is a decision. And, I promise to CHOOSE to love you, from this moment on. I CHOOSE you, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health. To love and to cherish... all the days of my life. ❤️