Hello, Gorgeous!

This is why I do what I do. People are always asking me: How can I be happier? The REAL MAIN ANSWER THAT REALLY MATTERS is EXCLUSIVELY JESUS. I don't believe any happiness created elsewhere can hold a candle to His true love once you've honestly found it. ❤️ But, I've got honest Christians and people still reaching out. "I'm not happy." "I'm not content." "I feel so alone." "I don't feel like me." We are made for MORE than just getting by. We are made for BRAVER than the status quo. Reaching for the best version of yourself can be a scary goal, but, we've got the power and ability to change our lives for the better Every. Single. Day. Working towards your goals is not something to be frowned upon, it's something to be celebrated. Don't let anyone tell you differently. 💕 ----- Look at what THIS GIRL has done! This is why, along with life and spiritual coaching, I've added health and wellness. Because I've found something that works for me and I'm stoked to share it. Whole. Complete. Balanced. YOU. Message me for details on the next challenge group and get your HAPPY SELF GOING! 🙌🏼 From my new friend Rachel Elizabeth: "Today we started our sneak peek into accountability groups. some of us are sharing our testimonials in the group. I'm not gonna lie, I'm pretty terrified to put this before photo out there PUBLICLY. But if it helps even just one person, it'll be worth it. So here goes nothing. Link to join the sneak peek in the comments. ❤️ Hi, I'm Rachel. Last March I joined my first accountability group . I didn't really know what to expect from any of it at the time. To be honest, I didn't have a lot of hope or faith it would be different than anything else I tried. I had previously failed just about every meal plan or cleanse I could get my hands on. The picture on the left is me when I started. I was going to a personal trainer twice a week as well as some group fitness classes. But once I walked out that door I would self sabotage with food behind closed doors & alcohol with friends. But something DID change this time. I had a community counting on me to show up & do better. I had the TIME to eat healthier, because my workouts were only 30 minutes long & they were 5 feet from my bed. All of the excuses I once had to sleep through morning workouts, were now out the window, because I was already AT my "gym". I learned how much my PORTIONS were supposed to be. I had been overeating, & these new portions were totally enough. I wasn't going to bed hungry. I would wake up & couldn't WAIT to pick up my phone & see what was happening in the group. To see what our fun daily assignment was going to be & who was up getting their workout in already! It was no longer "I don't want to get up." It was "alright WE are getting up and doing this!" I was part of a TEAM. It was like all the puzzle pieces were finally coming together. My body was changing & my lifestyle was becoming one I was proud of. That first accountability group I lost 8 lbs. I knew I was in this for the long haul. I need the girls, I needed the FREEDOM OF TIME that these 30 minute workouts in my living room gave me, & i needed these superfood shakes that literally cleared my system from the inside out. Digestive problems, gone. Cycstic acne, gone. Weak hair & nails, gone. Extra belly fat, gone. The below transformation is my first 6 months. Currently working on my transformation for the newest Beachbody program. So stay tuned for that. 😉 But I have gone through 6 of the programs now, & have been drinking the shakes and participating in accountability groups for over a year with no plan of stopping. ❤️" One life changed. Many more to go. When will it be your turn? It's up to YOU. 🤗