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There is More Light than Dark

This is me at Children’s Hospital with my sweet Emmy Rose...⁣ On a perfectly normal Saturday just a couple months ago, we’d gone up to help my sister move. And AFTER all the moving & the dangerous part was done, Jay decided he would take the car to the store with Emery & get all us hungry girls some food. ⁣ On his way to the car, he slipped down a set of concrete stairs & landed right on his butt, with Em on his hip. She let out a wail but we thought she was just scared from the jolt. Jay’s bum was black & blue by the time, three days later, we realized what had happened. Little Emery’s leg got trapped behind him & slammed into the steps. 😭⁣ She ended up with a fully fractured femur & a full leg cast, to boot! ⁣ & while this momma heart was (& is) so dang grateful it wasn’t worse, I couldn’t help but wonder why my sweet baby had to experience this pain. If you’ve not yet gone numb by the suffering of innocents, you still have to wonder... WHY?!?!? ⁣ With everything going on right now in this country, all the violence & hurt, you might be thinking... If God exists, why isn’t He stopping all of this?? How can people even believe in a good God with all this happening?? ⁣ In the end, y’all, this is what I hope my book will start to unravel for you. At the very least, you’ll see how it helped me wrap my mind & my SOUL around a question that has always been so complicated to me. ⁣ Friend, whatever you feel, don’t give up. Don’t give in. There are more good days than bad out there. And, there is more LIGHT than DARK. As long as we continue to fight for LIFE, LOVE & HOPE, evil will never win. ⁣ #MadeforBrave

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